Why do I need a dating site?
People work so hard these days, they don’t have enough time for themselves, Sitting down and having a cup of coffee in a beautiful place that at one time was a place of gathering with categories of people that one would be tempted to approach to build a romantic and serious relationship. With the arrival of new technologies that have seen the evolution of online communication and social networks, dating sites have found their place and have replaced these meeting places.
Nothing seems faster and simpler than sitting behind a computer or having your mobile phone in your hand and chatting with the most charming person, which you might have had trouble approaching in a café or nightclub. The dating site is definitely the ideal place to make your choice and find the person who will at least share part of your life.
Dating sites have therefore become indispensable for us; in addition, these places that we frequented at the time are now polluted, there is not much left and the behavior of customers has deteriorated, bringing these places back to the point where even their identity has disappeared.
How do I join Group (s)
Groups are very useful communication entities for getting to know the site and other members of our community. Groups help to fight stress and eliminate fear of others, shyness, but also anxiety. Being a member of a group will allow you to learn more about many topics based on the experiences of others.
It’s very simple to apply for a group, click on ”Group” in the site menu and choose the group you want to join. If you’re not a member of the site, you’ll need first to register: click on ”SIGN UP” or use the form ”Create an Account” to create your profile. Some groups are private and may require registration or an explicit request to the group admin. Please feel free to ask your site admin: click on ”kutana” profile and chat with the team.
How Much Does It Cost To Sign Up
Registration on kutana platform is totally free. However, several choices of privileges are offered, and you can choose the ”free membership” that is to say completely free, you can also opt for the ”Basic” to have a few more privileges for 5 euros per month. Finally, there is our VIP option which entitles you to all the privileges for 10 euro each month. For women seeking men, it is free and woman get all privileges for free including those offered in VIP membership.
How do I Find my Match?
Helping Meet the One Who Will Become Your Soulmate is kutana’s primary goal. When you register to our platform, we are committed to supporting you throughout your long journey, but our efforts are very limited without your help.
Start by following the one you want to meet, after asking them as “friend” … if they accept, think about what you should say to them each time before talking to them, be clear and precise, and do not pass yourself off as someone that you are not and be as honest as possible with yourself. Do not hesitate to invite them to eat or have a little something outside the platform. If they refuse, don’t give up, rather tell them that you understand. Keep talking to them and being yourself.
How do I Meet Friends?
“Friends” is determined by the longevity of the contact you have with others. This rule has exceptions, of course, because some people become friends right after their first contact.
First Date Questions you should ask.
First dates are very much like an event, a ceremony or a gala evening, with a very high reward potential but it’s also a very stressful moment and questions asked may look like a job interview. This gives special importance to the first date. It is a decisive moment, and a decisive way, that offers you the assured opportunity in order to connect with the other. You are about to find out if one of you is determined to go through with a relationship that is just beginning, and if he/she is interested.
It’s a good way to get to know the other person better, a good conversation on the first date lets you know if there’s potential for a second date meeting. That’s why it’s very important to know what kind of questions to ask on a first date.
1. I Usually Watch X. Do you Have any particular Films or Shows?
With the proliferation of streaming services, chances are this question will come in handy, especially if you’re a TV enthusiast. And if not, it’s a great way to get some intimacy.
2. Is There Any Better Food to Eat?
Many members of our site end their first meeting in a restaurant. So your question is legitimate. It’s also good to know, both for the purposes of future dates and for security purposes; in kutana we think it is quite obvious that you do not invite someone in a restaurant without first knowing if the food offered in this restaurant has an allergy to them. That’s why we recommend that the restaurant be chosen by mutual agreement.
3. What do you do with your Holidays?
Holidays are the time when people have a good time. So knowing what the other makes of their vacation is a very good step. Asking them what they would like to do with their next vacation is also great and can lead you into a very rich and relaxing conversation; it gives you a glimpse of their personality. Are they the relaxing beach type or the all day exploring type? Do they like it rough or is it a five star all the way? It might even give you ideas for future vacations together.
4. About your Family, Do you have Friends?
Asking about family and friends on the first date is not only a great way to indicate that this is not a fleeting but serious relationship. Knowing who surrounds the other gives the impression of being interested in him/her. But in the other hand knowing about how he/she copies with friends and family may give you insight on how your relationship may work.
5. Do you Have any Deal-Breaker
This may seem like a weird question, but can help to understand what the new “partner’s” plans are in the long term, so this question may be necessary to get an idea of how the relationship is defined by the other. This question can answer the questions like: If you guys want kids or no? Is one of you want children and the other doesn’t? it would also help to understand if one loves the nomadic lifestyle and the other can’t wait to put down roots and so many questions that need an answer at the first meeting.
Tip: Everyone has dealbreakers, just think about yours, whether kids, travelling, cat or dog, you want kids but you don’t want to give birth, living conditions, career without kids, and you’ll be better to answer this question.
6. What would you start Learning after you get Together
You never know what you’re about to discover when asking this question. Maybe he/she is thinking doing a 6 years PHD research that may put you in the situation where you have to support him/her. Maybe he is fascinated by ancient Egypt or joining the marines; he’s gonna have to live the house for some times and this may affect you and so on. So asking about learning in first date questions not only demonstrates intellectual curiosity, but you might also discover that you both shared same passions.
Tip: Deepen the conversation with a question about how do they see themselves in the future can be a good opportunity to find out about all this.
7. What are your Talents?
This question will help discover your date odd talents. People are unique, and you never know what charming talent – writing backwards, cutting onions without crying (jealous!) or playing the piano upside down – the other might have.
Tip: Asking if there’s something the other is proud of is a great complement to this question.
8. Would you Rather Prefer this than that?
Do you prefer friends or your cousins as friends? Would you rather have lots of casual friends or a few close friends? Do you prefer to live in a big city or in the countryside? Do you prefer a walk or go to the gym?
9. Are you Proud of any Accomplishment?
With first date questions you want to keep the conversation light and asking about someone’s past can sometimes lead to them revealing all sorts of unhappy or painful things. Frame questions about the past with a positive spin. There will be time for deep, meaningful revelations later.
10. Would you Like to meet again?
If you don’t ask, you won’t know, and if you are the sort of person who can’t bear to be left wondering it might be better to come right out and say it. Listening is just as much part of the art of conversation as talking so make sure you practise that too. Be prepared to answer any first date questions you use yourself as the chances are they will be turned back to you.
Be Very Careful Asking These Questions Below
Just as there are good questions to ask on a first date, there are some topics you should avoid. For example, questions that are too personal or simply asked too early. A non-exhaustive list of first date topics that are better not broached at all:
- Why did your last relationship end?
- Do you always eat/drink this much?
- Anything about sex
- How much they earn, or if they own their own house
- Tell me about yourself