It is very easy to use kutana platform. Once you are logged in, and welcomed, you’ll see a dropdown ”profile” button beside logout on the top right. You can click on ”Profile” or choose an option clicking on the dropdown Profile option. You will be able to choose between ”Activity”, ”Messages”, ”Friend requests”, ”Groups”, and ”Settings”
You can change your profile picture later but remember, your photo may be require depends on your plan.
Uploading your photo will also increase your chance to be contacted, have followers, and friend requests.
Here you will find the message tab which allows you to receive and send public & private messages depends on your plan or status, you will also find the “photo” tabs for your album, the “followers” tab to choose those who will follow you, the “group” tab for group discussions and the “create a group” tab that will allow you to create topics where you will be able to invite friend …those topics can be private or public (you decide) , the “forums” tabs for to join or leave a forum discussion, the “Personal” tab where you will be able to upload everything you want others to see for example your videos, YouTube, images, Facebook and others “, you will also find the” who I am or About me “tab. You will be able to talk about yourself, your height, your weight, your interests, if you would like to have children, if your drink or smoke etc … these are useful information for your visitors and if you want someone to get to know you, it’s important that you tell them about yourself.
There is also the “friends” tab to make friend requests or the “activities” tab which records all your activities on the site.
The “private content” tab, this is where you’ll be able to hide your little secrets; this tab is invisible to others. However this is not the only tab to be protect; you’ll be able to decide which tabs to publicly show or which ones you want to keep private. But all this will depend on your status on the website.
It should also be noted that the number of tabs that you will have depends on your privileges on the website (read on Learn more about our Groups & Roles ).
Depend on your privileges, you’ll be able to comment on topics, to write topics and to invite or be invited to groups, forums discussions. You’ll be able to edit, or give permission to others to edit. You will decide who can be your friends or follow you, who can post on your wall and accept or reject friendships requests.
But you will not be able to send private message if you aren’t subscribed to the “Men VIP plan” . In fact to send private messages you’ll need to be on Men VIP plan if you are a man or on Woman Gold Plan if you are a female.
Kutana has made things easy for you and is offering 6 months free membership plan for Men VIP & Woman Gold Plan. After your free trial, you can still enjoy your free membership but you will need to downgrade to Men Plan Free if you are a man a to Woman Plan Free if you are a woman.
When you first register, you will be redirect to these two membership plan to make your choice depending on whether you are a man or a woman; choose your plan a click select to confirm.
You will then have 6 months free membership plan with full privileges, then you can decide to keep it or downgrade it to Men Plan Free, Basic, or Woman Plan Free.
Membership Account
Click on “Membership Account” tab from the menu next to “my profile” and enjoy the privileges of been able to editing permissions. This is where you can edit profile to allow or not some users to contact you, to be your friends or your followers. In here, you’ll be in control and will determine how do you want your account looks like. You will also be able to change your password and membership status.
From the “Membership account”, you’ll be able to set up notifications, change your password or your email, or even your payment method or billing address.
You can also view or review your orders, download receipts, or upload files, pictures and videos. Change your shipping or your billing address; you can even view your points (if any), transfer them to your basket for reduction or transfer them to a friend.
From your profile you can also send invites to exterior friends to join you on kutana. If you’ll like to be friend with a user, from ”members” click on ”view profile”, on the name or picture; you’ll be redirect to its wall where you’ll be able to request a friendship, follow, or send public or private messages.
You can also search members by names by clicking on search button from the menu.