Are you shy? Or how to approach a shy girl without appearing pretentious especially if it is about a person whom you had never met before; worse someone you only see through their online profile.

You’re a man and want to talk to her and invite her to a coffee or to the chocolate maker not far from where you live, but you’re hesitating.

You are very intimidated by the girl’s profile but yet you are sure that this is the person you want. Your instinct has never let you down, so you are convinced that this is the perfect choice.

Here are some tips:

First, try to keep in touch with her for as long as possible.

secondly, make sure that your body language or just your language is clear and above all make sure that you do not always choose the subjects of discussion … you must leave a little space for your interlocutor and do not put yourself in the situation where it will seems like an harassment.

Third, pay attention to the timing. Approach her as soon as possible .. timing out is very important.

How to talk to her?

Figuring out how to talk to a girl can seem scary, but try not to overthink it; in return, above all listen more, be polite, and above all talk about the things that you are passionate about.

If you are feeling nervous, don’t panic it’s a normal feeling, instead try to take advantage of this moment to think about what you are going to say to her and avoid putting pressure on yourself.

The goal is to create the connection between you.

The fatal mistake is to try to pass yourself off as someone you are not.

Rather, you have to be unpretentious yourself, because it’s not just what you say that interests the girl but also how you say it.
It is important that the girl feels comfortable with you.

Conclusion: approaching a shy girl or if you are shy is not really complicated, you just have to be yourself

About the author: arochar_koko
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